My role is to facilitate the conversations our bodies are trying to have with us.

Is it hard to hear your inner voice? Or maybe your inner voice is yelling so loud and fast that it’s hard to understand? Let’s reconnect you to your innate Wisdom.

Somatic Experiencing® (SE) is a process that utilizes mindfulness and perception of physical sensations, visualizations, and movement in order to process and heal symptoms of relational and event trauma such as: car accidents, falls, sexual and/or other physical assault, betrayal, grief, birth trauma, natural disasters, war, and many other events. SE can help the body heal from emotional triggers, panic attacks, dysfunctional relationship patterns, anxiety, “jumpiness” and hypervigilance, while increasing intuition, empowerment, alignment with your values, inner Truth, spirituality, and feelings of Aliveness.

My relational style and focus on your inner voice can also help to heal the psychic wounds of gaslighting and other forms of emotional abuse. This includes cultural gaslighting that people of oppressed groups experience on a daily basis. Part of my personal work includes dismantling internalized systems of white supremacy, sexism, heterosexism, and transphobia. I highly recommend Resmaa Menakem’s work on Somatic Abolitionism for anyone who is reading this.

SE is self-care for your nervous system, which informs all of the systems of our bodies, including the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, & reproductive system. For more information on how the nervous system’s state affects our health and relationships, check out this great video by Seth Porges.


more feelings of freedom, serenity, empowerment, and pleasure


What you’ll get

  • Attuned care, based on who you are and your life experiences - the hard stuff and the good stuff!

  • Strength-based focus to increase self-worth, self-compassion, and your relationship with yourself and others.

  • Helpful tools for navigating your unique obstacles